Hello my dear friends,

I don't know yet what this page will be like. I think, you can help me to fill it  with interesting things and materials. Thanks in advance!




One smile begins a friendship, one handclasp lifts a soul.
One star can guide a ship at sea, one word can frame the goal.
One step must start each journey, one word must start each prayer.
One hope will raise our spirits, one touch will show you care.
One voice can speak with wisdom, one heart can know what’s true.
One life can make the difference, you see, it’s up to you.

For students:

Your choices, your actions, your life.

Your attitude is a matter of choice.

The most important tool for success is the belief that you can succeed.


  1. Treating others the way you want to be treated.
  2. Showing kindness and consideration.
  3. Liking yourself enough to be yourself.
  4. Accepting others for who they are.


  1. Being truthful to others.
  2. Being truthful to yourself.
  3. Doing what’s right regardless of who’s around.
  4. Being someone others can trust.


  1. Being in control of your own behavior.
  2. Being trusted with important jobs.
  3. Having your work finished on time.
  4. Doing your part when working together.


Love your parents. We are so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old. - Unknown


If children live with tolerance, they learn to be patient.
If children live with encouragement, they learn to be confident.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If children live with honesty and fairness, they learn what truth and justice are.
If children live with friendliness, they learn that the world is a nice place to live.
If children live with serenity, they learn to have peace of mind.

Крылатые фразы и выражения.

Возмутитель спокойствия - Disturber of the peace. 
Достать что-либо любыми правдами и неправдами - Beg, steal or borrow but get it.
У нас всё под контролем - We are on top of the situation.
Надолго и всерьёз - Seriously and for a long time.
До меня не доходит - I can’t tune into it / I can’t get it.
Произвести впечатление - To make waves. 
У него звёздная болезнь - Success has gone to his head.
Дело пахнет керосином - It smells of trouble. Trouble is in the air. Something’s up. Something is really fishy here.
Доживём до понедельника - Wait until Monday.
Поживём - увидим -  Wait and see.
Заклятые друзья  - Sworn friends. A love-hate relationship.
Ещё не вечер - It’s not over yet. It’s not over until it’s over. It’s not over until the fat ladies sing.
За державу обидно - I feel sorry (hurt) for my country.
За работу, товарищи! - Let’s go down to work
Знаковая фигура - Icon.
Иного не дано (третьего не дано) - There is no other way. It’s the only game in town.
У тебя крыша поехала? - You must be out of your mind / You must be going bananas.
Кто есть кто - Who is who.
Любви все возрасты покорны - All ages are to love submissive. 
Мало не покажется - It won’t be a picnic.You won’t find it funny.
Место встречи изменить нельзя - We’ll meet where agreed.
Мы рождены, чтоб сказку сделать былью - We were born to make dreams a reality.
Надо чаще встречаться - We should be meeting more often.
Нам такой хоккей не нужен - We don’t need this kind of hockey.
Наступать на грабли - To shoot oneself in the foot.
Наступать на все возможные грабли - They do things exactly the wrong way.
Не высовывайся! / Не рыпайся! - Don’t stick your head/neck out!
Он не подарок / Ну он и подарочек! - He is bad news. He is bad trouble. "Trouble” is his middle name.
Не царское это дело - This is not fit for the tsar.
Никогда, ничего ни у кого не просите - Don’t ever beg for anything.
Он сказал «Поехали!» - Off, we go!
Победила дружба - Friendship wins.
Проехали - The train has left the station.
Процесс пошёл - The process is under way/on way. Things started happening.
Ребята, давайте жить дружно - Folks, let’s live in harmony!
Рукописи не горят - Manuscripts don’t burn.
Сила есть, ума не надо - Brawns instead of brains.
Спасение утопающих - дело рук самих утопающих - If you are drowing you are on your own. It’s sink or swim.
Так жить нельзя - We can’t go on like this. We can’t go on living like this.
Театр одного актёра - One man show.
Трудно быть Богом - It’s hard to be God.
Это тебе не «хухры-мухры» - This is not rocket size.
А, всё-таки, она вертится! - And yet it moves!
Факты - упрямая вещь! - Facts are stubborn things.
Хотели как лучше, а получилось как всегда - We tried our best, you know the rest.
Будь в теме! - Stay current! Stay tuned!

© galinagavrilevich

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